
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Raymond Rebbel

Iris Vuaghan Last week, how could last week be your favourite week?! Let me explain:   Last week the singing inspector came to school, his name was Raymond. He wore humongous knicker bockers and had eyes like tiny blueberries.  His hair was of golden curls. His face was as red as a tomato and looked ready to pop! Charles and I were sent to the front of the class first and were told to sing. We said we don’t know any songs except “Pretty Polly.” Raymond got very angry and annoyed so he shouted at us. We started singing, I must admit that I was still scared so I sang in a high pitched voice. Thank goodness after that, Charles and I were sent out to do sums.  Apparently after we left the singing lesson it became more horrible, actually horrendous and even embarrassing. We got off easy and learned our 13 times tables in maths.